It is nice just to relax for a few days... spend time with the family and enjoy reading some of Richard Thieme's book (best taken in small doses to digest the deeper bits).
As previously mentioned - Serenity was a fun flick - so the OK Cupid Serenity Quiz was fun:
You scored as The Operative.
You are dedicated to your job and very good at what you do. You've done some very bad things, but they had to be done. You don't expect to go to heaven, but that is a sacrifice you've made for a better future for all.
H/T Jackie
Then I couldn't resist the Battlestar Galactica Quiz:
You scored as Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo).
You have spent your life trying to life up to and impress your Dad, shame he never seemed to notice. You are a stickler for the rules. But in matters of loyalty and honour you know when they have to be broken.
H/T Jamie Jeffords
This unabashed wallowing in self analysis then led to the OK Cupid Politics Test:
You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (75% permissive)
You are best described as a: Libertarian
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
H/T Jamie Jeffords
Who knows - perhaps I'll take up reading my horoscope next... NOT!
The best I can say about these results is that there is a grain of truth to each one and ridiculously simplistic and shallow and nonetheless a bit of fun. These tests remind me of David Keirsey's personality tests - insightful but seemingly flawed. (I take issue with Keirsey's opposing scales which balances intelligence types - while he does a nice job describing distinctive attributes - as we mature we are able to assume our experiences and integrate those characteristics so that we can be each type as we see fit. For me it necessitates taking the test twice, one for the functioning self (I answer the phone readily because I have learned to and enjoy the interaction), and then again taking the test for the latent self (what I was born with and would rather not answer the phone) which reveals a difference between natural inclinations and learned/assumed ones.)
Do they have a personality profile for a procrastinator? LOL
Wa-a-a-a-y back on World Blog Day (August 31, 2005) you were kind enough to mention my blog as one you had run across and liked. I saw the link at Technorati and stopped by to thank you for the mention.
At that time, I thought, “Oh how nice, I should add him to my blogroll”. And here, a mere seven weeks later, I am getting around to it - LOL
Sorry for the delay. If you want to wait seven weeks before considering a reciprocal link, I will understand - LOL!
Hope you have a great day, I really do enjoy reading your blog, and really am sorry it took me so dang long to get around to linking to it.
Posted by: Marti | October 21, 2005 at 02:16 PM
Marti - all is forgiven - you're on the blogroll - whoosh!
Your blog is a hoot - I am still reeling from the Halloween costume faux pas!
And I think that procrastinator falls under the category of 'idealist' - too creative to be bothered by frameworks, logic and timelines! Keeps the rest of us from getting too serious ;)
Posted by: Stuart Berman | October 24, 2005 at 10:47 PM