Here are some photos from yesterday's local meet up. We had 15 people attend and 7 shiny new smart cars from around the state.
Seven little smarts all in a row!
One blue one is hiding - can you find it?
Great bunch of people - as soon as we met we all hit it off - non-stop smart talk!
This is the Steelcase Corporate Development Center (called the Pyramid) largest building in West Michigan it is as unique as the cars. Like smartville Steelcase also has a natural landscape that is native to the area.
Five smarts easily fit in 2 regular parking spots!
Another shot showing the relative size to ‘normal’ cars.
At the local McDonald’s customers were very excited! Steelcase Global Headquarters front entrance another pleasant mix of style and values. As part of our local smart club meeting (inaugural meeting), we stopped at the Steelcase Global Headquarters – Steelcase also is a champion of sustainable development and Lean Thinking.
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